Коя е най-добре пазената ви маркетингова тайна ?

Това е въпросът, който Анита Кембъл и Ивана Тейлър са задали на едни от най-известните маркетинг специалисти и блогъри в света. Всичко това е събрано в един блог пост с над 120 коментара и споменавания в други блогове и сайтове. Включват се хора като Сет Годин, Гай Кавазаки, Джаки Хюба и много други, в това число и организаторите. Идеята е да се съберат общо 100 съвета и да се публикува един информативен и интересен pdf документ.

Категориите, в които са разпределени съветите са следните: привличане и задържане на клиентите, комуникация и съобщения, онлайн маркетинг, маркетинг при социалните мрежи. Ето някои от тях:

◊ Seth Godin, SethGodin.com “Make promises and keep them. So obvious, it’s become а secret.”
◊ Jackie Huba, Church of the Customer “Attracting is the new selling. It is the least-visible, and least-examined principle behind most companies today that are growing quickly through word of mouth.”
◊ Toby Bloomberg, Diva Marketing “Forget what your mama or your preacher taught you. The Golden Rule does NOT work for developing marketing strategy. Your customers do not want to be treated “as you would like to be treated.” In understanding your customers you might discover that their values, needs and expectations differ from yours. New Golden Rule For Marketers: Do Unto Your Customers As THEY Would Like To Be Treated.”
◊ Drew McClellan, Drew’s Marketing Minute
“Do Less. One of the most tempting aspects of marketing is the veritable smorgasbord of different marketing tactics that you can toss into а marketing plan. It’s almost overwhelming.

Many marketing professionals make the very understandable mistake of believing that more is better. But they’re wrong.

You will be vastly more successful if you do less, but do them better. Pick 3-4 marketing tactics that you think are really going to be valued by your audience and drive the behavior/action you’re looking for. Then, figure out how you can do them in an extraordinary way.

100% consistency. 100% relevancy. Do less. But do them better.”
◊ John Battelle, Searchblog “The best kept secret in marketing is to invest your time in eliciting and responding to your customer’s feedback, even if it’s negative. It’s the secret to building а network of evangelists who keep on giving back to your business ….”

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